@article{oai:suac.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000137, author = {馬場, 孝 and ババ, タカシ and Baba, Takashi}, journal = {静岡文化芸術大学研究紀要, Shizuoka University of Art and Culture bulletin}, month = {Mar}, note = {P(論文), 本稿は、米国の学会誌(International Studies Perspectives)の創刊号から2006年までに掲載された国際関係学教授法関連の文献サーベイである。「ディベート」「ロールプレイング」「PBL」など様々な「革新的な」教育手法のこの分野への導入と教育内容の検討がどのように進められているか、筆者の問題関心に基づく掲載論文の類型化と分類を通じて概観し、教育方法と教育内容との関連性について予備的な考察を加える。本号においては、文献全体の傾向を概観し類型化を提示した上で、教育方法の適用をテーマとする論文中、方法導入の紹介に力点を置くタイプの検討までを行う。, Educators in the field of International Studies hear widespread use of such terms as "Problem Based Learning (PBL)", "Role Playing and Simulations" and "Educational Debates". The International Studies Perspectives (ISP), one of the five journals published by the International Studies Association based in the United States, has a section titled Pedagogy in International Studies and receives articles focusing on the pedagogical issues in the discipline. By surveying and classifying 63 pedagogical articles published in the years 2000-2006, this preliminary study investigates the interrelations between the teaching goals, the subject matter and the teaching methods applied in the classroom. Due to the space limitation, the first part of this paper over-views the ISP pedagogical articles and then goes on to survey the articles which focus on the introduction of some "innovative" teaching methods into the international studies classroom.}, pages = {51--64}, title = {国際関係学における教育方法と内容の展開(上) : 米学会誌(International Studies Perspectives)掲載論文サーベイ}, volume = {9}, year = {2009}, yomi = {ババ, タカシ} }