@article{oai:suac.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000153, author = {迫, 秀樹 and サコ, ヒデキ and SAKO, Hideki}, journal = {静岡文化芸術大学研究紀要, Shizuoka University of Art and Culture bulletin}, month = {Mar}, note = {P(論文), 椅座位における姿勢変化や座画圧の分析から性差について検討し,女性向けの椅子に関するデータの提供を試みた。参加した被験者は女性11名,男性9名である。被験者は好みの座画高でクレペリンテスト,ビデオ視聴,安静をそれぞれ10分間,膝関節が90°となる座面高で1分間の安静を行い,その間の三次元動作,座画圧を測定した。結果として,背中角度は女性の方が有意に大きく,またクレペリン作業中の座骨結節間距離も女性の方が有意に大きかった。背中角度は,女性の方が小柄であることに加え,日常的な姿勢による影響も大きいものと思われる。また,座骨結節間距離は,臀幅には性差が無くとも骨盤の差が強く表れるようである。したがって,座面にモールド等の工夫を加える場合には,骨盤(座骨結節)の違いを考慮に入れる必要のあることが示唆された。, By analyzing the sex difference of the three-dimensional motion analysis and the distribution of pressure in a sitting posture, offering of the data about a female-oriented chair was tried. The subjects who participated are 11 women and nine men. The subject performed Kraepelin test, video viewing and listening, and quiet for 10 minutes in favorite seat height, respectively. Furthermore, quiet for 1 minute was also performed by seat height that an articulatio genus becomes 90 degrees. Three-dimensional motion picture and distribution of seat surface pressure were measured. As a result, the female back angle was significantly larger than the male. It seems that the difference of the back angle is influenced by everyday posture. The significant difference was found also in the distance between hipbone knots under Kraepelin work. The difference showed that a pelvis-shaped difference appeared in seat surface pressure distribution. It will be necessary to consider the sexual difference in a pelvis (hipbone knot) to a seat surface.}, pages = {49--52}, title = {座位における三次元動作分析と座圧分布の性差に関する研究}, volume = {8}, year = {2008}, yomi = {サコ, ヒデキ} }