@article{oai:suac.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000582, author = {勝浦, 範子 and 福岡, 欣治 and カツウラ, ノリコ and フクオカ, ヨシハル and Katsuura, Noriko and Fukuoka, Yoshiharu}, journal = {静岡文化芸術大学研究紀要, Shizuoka University of Art and Culture bulletin}, month = {Mar}, note = {P(論文), 平成13年11月、浜松市は、子どものための文化施設として「浜松こども館」を開館した。我々は開館2年目における利用者の状況をしらべるため、平成15年2月、3月、こども館来館者及び近隣在住者(館から2km以内の幼稚園・保育園に登園する子どもを持つ親)を対象にこども館の利用状況、子どもの生活状況、子育ての状況などについて2回目のアンケート調査を実施した。主な結果は以下の通りであった。利用状況については、来館者の多くは末就園の子どもがおり、平日よりも週末の利用が多い。広い範囲から自動車を使っての来館者が多い。近隣在往者は未利用の場合も3割強と少なくないが(31.4%)、来館回数4回以上のリピーターも同じくらいおり(30.9%)、身近な施設として近隣住民に利用されている。来館の主な目的は来館者、近隣在住者ともに「子どもを自由に遊ばせる」ことであり、他の子どもとの交流、イベントヘの参加期待はそれほど高くはない。親同士の交流については過半数以上が全く期待していない。子ども(末子)の生活状況については近所に遊び場はあるものの、近所の子どもと遊ぶ機会が全くないという回答が来館者では33.4%、近隣在住者では47.8%にのぼった。子どもの遊び相手及び母親の近所の話し相手の有無が幼児の発達と関わるというこれまでの研究知見からも、「浜松こども館」が親子の交流の場としての機能をより強めることが期待される。, This is a report on our second survey which was carried out in February and March, 2003. The purpose of the survey was to evaluate the situation at Hamamatsu Children's Plaza a little over a year after its opening. In other words, how often, and for what purposes people visited the Plaza and so forth. The questionnaire also asked about children's daily life and parents' child rearing environments and concerns in raising children. The subjects of the survey consisted of two groups. One was comprised of the visitors to the plaza. Another group was comprised of the parents whose children attended local kindergarten or nursery schools which were located within 2 km of the Plaza. The main findings of the survey are as follows. The characteristic user is a family whose youngest child is not attending any schools (institutes) yet, visiting the Plaza by car on weekends. The main purpose of the visits is to let children play freely. Users' expectations that their children will have a chance to play with other children or to participate in events are not very high. Their expectation that they can communicate with other parents is even lower. Among the families of the local school (institute) attendees, about 30 % have not visited the Plaza yet, while about another 30% are frequent users of the Plaza. Concerning the children's daily life, it should be noted that over 30% of the visitors' youngest children don't play with their neighbors, while over 40% of the youngest children of the local residents don't play with their neighbors, although most of them have places to play outside within a 10 minute walk. It is reported that if a child has friends to play with and if his (her) mother has friends to talk with in their neighborhood, it has a positive effect on the development of the child. Considering the above finding, it is hoped that Hamamatsu Children's Plaza will take a more active role as an institute to insure that both children and parents have a chance to communicate with each other.}, pages = {21--29}, title = {「浜松こども館子育て支援アンケート2003」の報告 : 子育て支援ニーズに関する実践的研究}, volume = {5}, year = {2005}, yomi = {カツウラ, ノリコ and フクオカ, ヨシハル} }