@techreport{oai:suac.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000841, author = {イシカワ, エウニセ アケミ and ISHIKAWA, Eunice Akemi}, month = {2015, 2017-10-11}, note = {静岡文化芸術大学, 社会学, 在日ブラジル人の子どもの多くは日本生まれか幼児期に親に連れられて渡日している。多くの親は短期滞在の目的で来日しており、不安定な労働条件や本国への帰国意識を持っていることが、子どもたちの学業達成にマイナス影響を与えることが多く見られる。しかし、そのなか、日本語を習得し、日本の文化に馴染んでいる子どもや若者が増加傾向にあり、日本の大学に進学しているケースが増えていることに注目すべきである。なお、アイデンティティの面では、本国であるはずのブラジルには行ったことがない、または覚えていないことから、国籍に関係なく「日本人」意識が芽生え、ブラジルより日本に帰属意識を感じる第二世代が増えている。, Brazilian children came to Japan with their parents, most of whom are employed as temporary foreign laborers. Most of the parents’ main purpose is to return to Brazil after earning a sufficient sum of money. This factor negatively influences their children’s education. However, it is important to consider several cases in which young Brazilians came to Japan at a young age or were born here, learned the Japanese language and culture, then were academically successful enough to enter Japanese universities. The adaptation of the Japanese-Brazilian children to Japan isn’t easy. At home, they usually maintain their Brazilian customs and speak primarily Portuguese. However, the children have no links with Brazilian society (especially those who were born in Japan), so they tend to choose Japan as their homeland, and many of them consider themselves the same as any other Japanese child, in customs, language and ways of thinking., 21530569}, title = {日本社会におけるブラジル人の子どもの挑戦と展望}, year = {} }